May 1, 2008

April - One Crazy Month!

Well, things have been going well in the life of the Govier’s. This post will encompass so many different events that have been going on in our world, in short – April was a crazy month.

First, I have to tell a few Josh stories - he has been full of interesting moments lately that keep Tim and I laughing. First, for those who did not get the email from Tim – Josh is learning to spell his name and he is amazed with the letter “J”. One morning I received an email from Tim asking if I had removed the J from his laptop … my response, “ummm, gee honey, no … I just have not found the time to remove a letter from your laptop – what? huh?” Anyway, after talking to Josh we put everything together and Josh had pried-off the letter “J” while getting his breathing treatment the evening before! I can just picture the look of terror on his face when it actually popped off (LOL!) – he did his best to get it back on but managed to put it on upside-down.

Next, I went grocery shopping one day and put the toilet paper in the standard place (under the sink) and when I went into the restroom later that day, Josh had created a monumental toilet paper stack. What’s even really great is that since he is 3 and a very determined little boy, he was very proud of his creation and we HAD to keep it that way.


Tulsa also had a torrential downpour a few weeks ago – HOLY COW … the amount of rain was unreal! The pond behind our house got so full! Check out these pics! There is a trail that goes right behind our fence line that met the water – this trail is usually several feet away from the pond you see pictured. Luckily, our house actually sets pretty far up from the trail!

Okay, I just thought this picture was cute. This is one evening while Josh was getting his breathing treatment and he wanted to hang out with his little brother. They are just so sweet to each other!


My grandmother turned 80 on April 21st and we had a little celebration in her honor. We had family fly down from WI to celebrate and it was so nice to see them again!

Josh & his Great Grandmother

My Cousins (Jenny & Joanie) & Owen


One wild hair and we are off to Kansas City ...

Last Friday, April 25th was a beautiful day and Tim and I were just in the mood to get away and do something fun. You know, with gas prices sky rocketing - why not? So, we decided to go to Kansas City and visit one of my sorority sisters/college roommate. Sarah just had a little boy that is now 5 ½ months old – Tyler is so sweet and just a perfectly content baby! Anyway, we went to Legends for shopping & lunch. We ate at T-Rex where Josh made his own dinosaur and then we were off the the Carter's Outlet (which I love by the way!). We also went to a park that evening and just enjoyed catching up with some dear friends.

Key Personnel turns 30.

The company I work for celebrated their 30th anniversary today. We all dressed up in 70's gear and surprised our owner with a little celebration. The 1970's flashback was really fun. This is a picture of my friend, Stacy, and I in our 70's attire. Rock on, baby ... look at that fro and Stacy's outfit was just priceless! LOL!