July 19, 2011

Remembering Granny

On Saturday, July 9th I received a call from my dad that my Granny was being admitted to ICU. My heart sank and I rushed to ICU. Hopefully optimistic that she was going to be okay, I soon learned that her prognosis wasn’t good. On July 12th, Granny received grim news and she was absolutely insistent on going home on Hospice. Granny pleaded to go home – she simply wanted 1 more day at home and she was tired of feeling like a prisoner in the hospital. Although hesitant, we abided by her wishes and made it happen. On July 13th, almost to the minute of her requested 1-day at home, Granny took her last breath.

To put into words how important this woman is to me is impossible. I knew that especially since I was 32 years old and the baby of the family that my time with grandparents would be unfortunately coming to an end probably sooner, rather than later. I however was still not ready to lose her.

If you picture the perfect grandmother, you would picture Granny. Granny was loving and caring - but even better she was ornery and had the best laugh. She liked to go to the casino and play bingo. She enjoyed spending time with family. Growing up, I can remember Granny at every dance recital and at every birthday (even when we lived in Houston). I remember spending some Friday's with her and going to the Royal Fork or Arby's. After dinner, we would go to Kmart to buy plastic dress up shoes and she would paint my toenails. Granny also made ceramic dolls and had a shop off her kitchen. She would always have something for me to paint – I loved it! I remember her catching me up on the soaps. As I grew up and became the loud, outspoken person I am today I enjoyed talking to her even more because we were just alike in that matter. I remember that I always felt comfortable saying what was on my mind and she would usually laugh and say "shhhhittt" because she enjoyed my ability to tell it like it is (we usually saw eye to eye on things). Granny was an amazing woman and a true blessing in my life. I am so grateful for my 32 years with her – she truly made my cup runneth over. I miss her greatly.