April 9, 2008

Sweet & Sassy – Avery’s 6th Birthday Party

Saturday, April 5th was Avery’s 6th Birthday (Josh & Owen’s Cousin). Avery had a great girl party at Sweet and Sassy in Edmond. All the girls got their hair done and dressed up like princesses – then they walked the runway and were introduced as a princess, crowned and sprinkled with pixy-dust. Wow … the girls loved it!

Josh was a little taken back with the all girl explosion - he was in search for mud, bugs or something BOY! To get Josh to participate, Tim and I bought him a knight costume and he was introduced as a prince - it was quite the sceen.

I will admit that I did, for a moment, think about dressing him up as a princess. Man, that would have made a priceless picture! he he he .. I know, I know … I am an evil mom!

1 comment:

Jane Loomis said...

That looked like fun! Your boys are so cute!