April 18, 2011

We’re Moving!

Although we are not moving far, we are about to start the wonderful process of uprooting our life for a little while. Tim and I have decided to move about 20 minutes closer into Tulsa since we are constantly in town for family functions, church and work. We feel like we are outgrowing our current home so we figured now was as good of a time as any to make this move. We decided to build in Broken Arrow in Trinity Creek and we are very excited to begin the next chapter of our life.

First, we wanted to sell our current home before we started the building process. Well, it sold in 41 days … time to begin a state of panic! Next, we had to find a place to live while we built – since we cannot find a rent home for a measly 5 months we decided to rent an apartment. The apartments are new and only 1.5 miles from the home we are building and Josh’s new school. Apartment life with 2 kids should be an adventure for sure! Now we are onto trying to find a new daycare. So far this has proven to be an extremely challenging task. My standards for daycare are a tad ridiculous, but it will all work out. I think.

So, we move out of our current home and into an 1100 sqft. apartment on Memorial Day weekend. From now to then we have to pack our stuff and somehow take a vacation for a week in the midst of this as well. Goodness, our timing for adding as many tasks to our life as possible was impeccable!

- Our home at 9000 N 156th E Ave –

We have a lot of wonderful memories and there are some great things we are going to miss about this house in Owasso. Some of the great memories are: bringing Owen home from the hospital, Josh was only 18 months old when we started building, Tim’s dad was physically still here and visited us in this house, Josh – every moment from 18mo-6 years, Owen – every moment from 3 days-3 years. The thing we will miss most about our current home is the amazing view! I loved backing up to a large pond and 80+ acres of trails, ponds, and parks.

Tim and I will both fully admit that our life is abundantly blessed with treasured moments. Luckily we get to take the memories with us!

Some pics of our home in Owasso …

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